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What is Adoption?

For a small number of children in Scotland it is not possible for them to remain in the care of their birth families.

This may be for a variety of reasons including health issues, neglect, abuse or family breakdown. Where no other alternatives are available within the child's family of origin, or surrounding support network, adoption can offer a child the security and safety of a family throughout their lives.

Adoption means making a lifelong commitment to a child and involves the legal transfer of parental rights and responsibilities from birth parents to the adoptive parents. Adoption entitles children to the same rights to inheritance etc as children born to the parents and ensures that children have the security of a family throughout their life.

Most of the children we are seeking adoptive families for have already spent some time in foster care. Their journey to adoption will have involved loss and often has been difficult. Where possible we seek to ensure that relationships are maintained as we know and understand that this will support children throughout their lives. Sibling relationships are a particular priority when thinking about children being placed for adoption and where possible we will try and keep siblings together as we recognise that these can be the most important relationships young people have throughout their lives.

Who are the children who need adopted

In West Lothian we have children from a variety of ages and backgrounds who require adoptive families. We have children who require to be placed on their own as well as children who are part of a sibling group looking for an adoptive family together.

Adoption orders can be lodged up until the age of 18 however most of our children requiring adoption are age 10 and below.

We recognise that many children will have had difficult experiences of loss and trauma and it is important that adoptive families are willing to support the child in relation to this throughout their lives.

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